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In true alchemic form wet plate photography is, to us, magical.  A photographic process from the Civil War era seems an unlikely choice considering the convenience of the digital age.  For us this is a true labor of love from mixing the chemistry to varnishing the finished plate.  And the finished product is an heirloom that will outlast any iPhoto.


Sessions are by appointment only.  Sessions consist of about 30-45 minutes (we like to take things s l o w ) of shooting and an additional 45 minutes to complete the plate.  You don't need to be present during the finish work and we are located less than a 5 min. walk/2 min. drive to Asbury Park restaurants, bars, and shops and encourage you to walk around our have drinks/dinner while your plate is prepared.  If you don't want to stick around, they can be mailed to you for $6.00 insured first class mail. 


Sessions begin with a quick chat about any ideas you may have for your tintype and we'll pose you.  You (and your party) will need to remain in the same place while I disappear for a few minutes to prepare your plate for shooting- about 1-2 minutes. I'll come back out, make final adjustments and we'll shoot the image which will require 3-12 seconds of being totally still (don't worry!  You can blink and breath but note that staying totally still for this amount of time can be very difficult for small children.)  Within a few minutes we'll be able to see your image together. 

Lighting, movement of the sitter, chemistry all may affect the final image and we may need to re-take to get it right.  This is a special, often unpredictable process, which lends to how special it is.  As a completely made by hand photograph, the image will never be technically "perfect" and will likely include chemical anomalies we call artifacts around the frame of the plate.  Come as you are, bring as much flair as you'd like.  Texture, lace, tweed, faux fur, jewels- all of these tell your story and will look fantastic in this medium. I suggest no bright white or solid black outfits but either work fine if you choose to do so. 


Not Black and White

Collodion does not see panchromatic light, which is what our eyes see.  It's also not considered black and white. It only sees UV light or Orthochromatic light, which can sometimes change the way you look!

Here's a few notes on how this process sees color to help out:

-Blue Light coated/UV resistant glasses will look like SUNGLASSES.
-Freckles and sunspots will likely be intensified.  

Colors are often not what you would expect them to be.  While they are based on pigment and can sometimes be lighter or darker than noted, here's what we have discerned in our experience:

Red=Black     Green=Mid-Black      Yellow=Mid-Black   Brown=Mid

Orange=Mid-Black   Pink=WhiteLight  Purple=Mid




*Please note we use heavy, bright flash photography in the studio*


**  While I am thrilled to shoot your little ones and pets, it's important to know that this process is not ideal for them.  This is a chemical process.  There are chemicals stored in and carried through the darkroom.  We use bright lights and flashes which may make children upset or uncomfortable and lights are extremely fragile and heavy.  It's important that children, pets, and adults in the studio are able to sit still and follow direction.  Please use your best judgement based on this information when booking portraits that include small children and pets as we will only reshoot once as materials and resources for this process are at a high premium.  Feel free to bring treats, distractions for me to use during our session if that helps!


We are located in the Historic Jersey Shore Arts Center, A Victorian High School that has been converted to artist studios and performing arts theaters. 



I make time for tintypes on my days off from a 9-5 job.  Please be mindful of others time <3


Cancellations made within 24 hours will be charged $40 fee.  If you reschedule upon cancellation, this fee will be waived however your full payment will be due upon re-booking and will not be no refunded if you cancel/reschedule again.  That said, I never want you coming in if you or someone in your party are ill.  Message me and we will work on it!





Armadillo Tintype

Located In The Jersey Shore Arts Center Building

66 South Main Street 

Corner of Main St (Rt 71) and Main Ave, 2nd Floor Studio #26

Ocean Grove NJ 07756


To enter, There is a parking lot for your use directly off of South Main Ave,  It's an almost immediate turn off of Rt 71.  Enter through the double doors (main entrance) Head up the small set of stairs then the full set of stairs to your right to the 2nd floor to Studio #26.   If you get lost of have issues just call 732.674.0221.

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Session Info + Directions: Classes




Proudly Located in The Jersey Shore Arts Center

66 South Main Street 

2nd Floor Studio #26

Ocean Grove, NJ 07756


(732) 674-0221

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